A biweekly PiggyVest series called ‘Six Figure’ focuses on how actual Nigerians increased their income dramatically. In this week’s ‘Six Figure’ episode, a software developer making $200,000 per month was interviewed. He describes how changing jobs allowed him to 20 times his income in less than three years.
The following questions were put to him during the biweekly series,
Q1: He was asked when was his first employment.
Answer: I taught privately.
Q2: How much money he was making?
Ans: Around $25,000 per client on average. I had three or four clients.
Q3: What he currently do, and how much money he is making?
Ans: I make around #2 million per month as a backend software engineer.
He briefly reviewed his income development over the years as well.
He said, “In 2019, I was hired for my first full-time position in software engineering. I took a 40% pay cut at my next job to have time to develop my tech skills. Moving to 2021, I was hired for a new position with a $300,000 monthly pay. I worked at this job for nine months before receiving an offer from a multinational corporation, where I now work and make $2 million every month.”
His 2019 income was 20x the amount he started with.
Q4: What factors, in your opinion, led to such a crazy jump?
Response: Job hopping. My most extended employment period was a year and a half. I’ve also invested much money into my skill-upgrading and aggressively pursued the best prospects.
Q5: What is your most important skill?
Answer: I pick up new information quickly.
Q6: Have you ever had a career coach or mentor?
Answer: Yes. A mutual acquaintance introduced him and me. He gave me advice that I’ve found to be quite helpful, so I’m always glad for the chance.
Q7: What recommendations would you provide to someone who aspires to make six figures?
Answer: Acquire a skill that is marketable globally, accessible locally, and deliverable remotely.
Job-hopping is OK; according to the ACCA, those who work at the same place for longer than two years will make 50% less money than people who change jobs regularly. The reason the guy could earn 20 times his income in less than three years is explained by this. By switching occupations frequently, you can dramatically increase your income as well.
Making use of your network is essential, the chap and his mentor connected through a familiar friend, demonstrating the value of having a solid network. Find out who is in your circle and how they can introduce you to more significant connections.