Since 2018, Telegram, the popular messaging app, has been sharing the IP addresses and phone numbers of individuals involved in criminal activities with authorities.
While some users believed that this policy was a recent development, CEO Pavel Durov clarified that the disclosure of data has been an established practice for years.
In a message shared on October 2, Durov explained that Telegram’s cooperation with law enforcement, under legal frameworks, has been consistent for over half a decade.
“My previous post may have seemed to announce a major shift in how Telegram works. But in reality, little has changed,” he said.
The company has always adhered to privacy policies that allow the disclosure of specific information to authorities upon legitimate legal requests.
For example, in 2024 alone, Telegram processed hundreds of legal requests in Brazil and India, its largest market.
In Brazil, data was disclosed for 75 legal requests in the first quarter, while India saw thousands of disclosures across the same period. These efforts underscore Telegram’s ongoing work to strike a balance between user privacy and compliance with local laws.
Durov reiterated that Telegram’s core principles remain intact: the app is designed to safeguard activists and everyday users from oppressive regimes while refusing to protect criminals.
The transparency surrounding these practices reflects Telegram’s commitment to aligning its operations with laws that don’t conflict with its values of privacy and freedom.
This clarification follows French authorities’ indictment of Durov in August 2024 on charges related to illegal activity on the platform.
Despite these accusations, Durov continues to emphasize that Telegram is taking necessary steps to prevent misuse by criminals while upholding its ethical values.