Grok, an AI chatbot created by Elon Musk, is used by X’s AI-driven “Stories on X” feature to generate summaries of the most popular stories and conversations on the platform.
The X Engineering team announced and shared screenshots on Friday, stating that each popular article on the Explore tab would have a summary of posts from X that are related to it for X’s Premium users.
The For You page offers a quick catch-up without scrolling far, as it curates popular items and news within users’ networks.
The theme of each story is briefly summarised in Grok’s summaries, which enhances content accessibility.
Twitter did not have AI support when it came to trends; it only added headlines and descriptions.
For You, Grok’s Stories now compiles the most important news, increasing user interaction.
Premium subscriptions provide access to Grok, which distinguishes itself from other AI chatbots with real-time access to X data.
Newsng gathered that some find Grok’s approach intriguing but problematic because it emphasises interactions above article material.
Although the concept of summarising trends is not new, the way the summaries are handled is.
In 2020, Twitter started adding headlines and descriptions to its trends under its previous leadership—but not with the aid of an AI bot.
Newsng understands that the introduction of “Stories on X” marks a significant step for the platform, as it seeks to offer users a more efficient way to stay informed about trending topics without the need for extensive browsing.
billionaire Elon Musk in an earlier report revealed intentions to lay off over 10% (or over 14,000 employees) of Tesla’s global staff.
Elon Musk made “the difficult decision” public in a note that was originally made public by the website Elektrek. 140,473 individuals work at Tesla, according to its annual report.