Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram, the cloud-based messaging app, has unveiled an array of groundbreaking features for the Telegram blockchain during his appearance at the Token2049 conference in Dubai.
Addressing the future trajectory of the TON cryptocurrency, Durov outlined a series of innovations poised to revolutionize how users engage with the platform.
Starting from April 19th, Telegram channel administrators will be able to receive payments in TON for advertising, marking the onset of a new era for monetization within the platform.
Also, users will soon have the capability to tip administrators using TON, with content creators set to benefit from a share of these earnings.
In a move set to disrupt the digital art landscape, Telegram will introduce the ability to buy and sell stickers as NFTs, with artists slated to receive an unprecedented 95% of the proceeds.
Additionally, the platform will feature mini-applications where users can purchase content using cryptocurrencies, further expanding the utility of TON within the Telegram ecosystem.
Users will also have the option to share TON with their contacts directly within the messaging interface.
Durov emphasized the potential value of owning stickers as NFTs, envisioning a scenario where their price appreciates over time, much like collectables.
He stressed the enduring popularity of stickers within the platform, hinting at the immense market potential for such digital assets.
Durov also revealed plans to enable users to log into their accounts using cryptocurrency wallets, ushering in a new era of decentralized authentication.
Users will have the ability to register the rights to their account names, paving the way for a secondary market where usernames can be bought and sold.
All these innovations will be accessible to users without the need for any programming expertise.
The recent integration of TON into the list of blockchain networks supporting the largest stablecoin by capitalization signifies a significant milestone for the Telegram ecosystem.
Speculation about the potential launch of USDT on TON gained traction following a joint announcement by Durov and Paolo Ardoino, head of Tether, at a crypto conference in Dubai earlier in April.