New chat filters have been added to WhatsApp to improve user convenience for those who use the service like an inbox.
All Unread and Groups are a few filters that make it easier for users to view particular message kinds.
The introduction of chat filters on WhatsApp was announced by Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, on Facebook and through his WhatsApp Channel. He said as much in a Facebook post: “Introducing chat filters on WhatsApp to help you quickly find important messages.”
By default, the “All” filter is chosen, displaying an unfiltered version of your inbox. It’s useful to look at messages you might not have noticed by using the “Unread” filter.
Additionally, it assists you in eliminating the bothersome amount of unread conversation signs and reaching inbox zero.
It’s worth noting that WhatsApp already offers the ability to view unseen messages using a filter in the search box.
“Opening WhatsApp and finding the right conversation should feel quick, seamless, and simple. As people increasingly do more on WhatsApp, it’s more important than ever before to be able to get to your messages fast.
That’s why today we’re launching new Chat Filters so you can do that without having to scroll through your full inbox,” the company said in an announcement.
However, the choice is readily accessible because of the new filter bubbles that appear at the top of the conversation screen.
One of the most requested improvements, according to Meta, is the ability to easily scroll through all of your group chats using the “Groups” filter.
Conversations in subgroups that are a part of Communities, WhatsApp’s discussion group feature, will also be displayed by this filter.
The filters will be made available to all WhatsApp users “in the coming weeks” as they begin to roll out today.
We earlier reported that WhatsApp’s parent firm, Meta, is said to have started limited testing of Meta AI integration on the messaging app in many African countries including Nigeria and India.